How to know if your pet has been poisoned

As a pet owner, you never want to think about the possibility of your furry friend getting into something toxic. However, with curious pets exploring our homes and yards, accidental poisonings unfortunately occur. At Aliso Beach Animal Clinic in Laguna Beach, CA, we want to help you recognize the signs of poisoning in your cat or dog, so you can get prompt veterinary help from an emergency vet.

Major Types of Pet Poisons

Many common household and outdoor substances can be harmful if ingested by pets. Some include:

●             Human medications - Opioids, antidepressants

●             Household cleaners - Bleach, detergents, glass cleaners

●             Automotive products - Antifreeze, fuel, oil

●             Insect and rodent baits - Bug sprays, mouse poison

●             Plants - Certain types of flowers

●             Foods - Chocolate, xylitol, grapes, raisins

Pay Attention to Behavioral Changes

Pets who have gotten into toxins may suddenly behave differently or seem ill. Warning signs include:

●             Hiding or acting lethargic

●             Pacing, tremors, or seizures

●             Excessive drooling or vomiting

●             Diarrhea or abdominal pain

●             Dilated pupils or trouble breathing

Cats also might stop grooming themselves when sick. Major changes in your pet's typical behavior might warrant an urgent vet visit to identify the cause.

Determining the Poison

Try to determine what your pet could have accessed so you can tell the vet. Look for missing human medications, spilled cleaners, chewed-up products, or dug up plants. Save any containers. Once you meet with a vet on our team, we can use this information to potentially better treat your pet.

Act Quickly for the Best Outcomes

Rapid action is critical when dealing with poisoning. Call your vet near me or an emergency animal hospital right away if you suspect your pet has ingested something hazardous. The sooner treatment can begin, the better the prognosis.

Get Veterinary Poison Control Advice and Animal Exams Near You from an Emergency Vet Near You

Trust our veterinarians at Aliso Beach Animal Clinic in Laguna Beach, CA, with your pet emergency. Call us right away if you think your pet was poisoned, so we can provide prompt lifesaving care. Call us at (949) 499-4190 for veterinary poison control advice and animal exams near you from an emergency vet near you for your cat or dog.

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